Guest Post: Live Like You’re Worth It

29 Jun

Today’s guest post is courtesy of Mary, who may just be one of the busiest bloggers I know. Between her three blogs, planning a cross-country road trip in July and a move across the globe in August, and publishing her acclaimed e-book “A Merry Life Guide to Creating a Better Health Blog,” she’s definitely got her plate full. Mary’s busy creating a healthy and happy life for herself, and inspiring countless others, myself included, to do the same.


For some reason I procrastinated hardcore on writing this guest post. I waited and waited for inspiration to strike. Even though I write a weightloss blog every day I couldn’t figure out what to write. I even jokingly asked Kepa, another guest poster here, to write a post for me. His suggestion: “Live, Laugh, and Grow”. I love doing two of those things! The third, however, I’m trying to do the opposite ;)” Needless to say I finally got my act together and here I am.

One thing I wanted to actually include from the blog Kepa wrote was this:

“I know I’m worth it to be happy, to have and do the things I want. And you are too. Don’t shrink from opportunities to shine. You only have one life, so make the most of it.”

I try to make the most of my life. Long ago I decided traveling and having new, exciting experiences were important to me. Since I made that decision I have studied abroad and traveled through Europe, I’ve visited the majority of states in the US, and I’ve traveled to Australia and New Zealand. I’m now planning on making a one year move to New Zealand starting in August. I’ve gone a lot of places and done a lot of exciting things in a relatively short few years. I’ve also gone paragliding and bungee jumping and I’ve done even more crazy exciting activities. Living is something I know how to do.

The quote I included points out the reason why I do these things and others: because I want and deserve to be happy. That realization after a struggle with depression was one of the biggest growing moments of my life. I still struggle to put it into action, but I know that deep down I deserve to be happy and do things that make me happy. I deserve to laugh every day and enjoy each day thoroughly. So do you. So does everyone. Life is too short, and you only get one of them, so you better spend it well doing things that make you happy. Wasting your life really shouldn’t even be an option.

So go enjoy your life. You are worth it to be happy, to have and do the things you want. Go live. Go laugh. Go do something that will help you grow. Enjoy!

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